There are known to be almost 1800 lichen species in Switzerland, 621 of which are dependent on the forest habi­tat. Of these forest species, 134 are priority species, which require special measures to ensure their long-term con­ser­va­tion. Various international studies have shown that the species diversity of tree-dwelling lichens is influenced by the predominant tree species, the diversity of tree species, the climatic conditions, the stand structure and the diameter of the trunks on which they occur.

Although lichens can occur on trees of all age classes, almost three quarters of forest lichen species are bound to micro­habitats and structures that are con­si­de­red to be phenological ageing cha­rac­te­ris­tics of trees and that are restricted to thick trunks or old trees. Such species are referred to below as old-tree lichens.

What are lichens?

The term lichen refers to a symbiosis between a fungus and one or more photo­sythe­si­sing partners, whereby the symbiosis is beneficial for both partners. The fungal partners are tubular fungi; the photosynthesising partners are green algae or cyanobacteria.

The properties of lichens differ significantly from those of the organisms they are composed of. Lichens also colonise dry and hot rocks that are exposed to the sun, for example, where fungi or algae can hardly occur.

Source: Wikipedia, modified

Lichens on thick trunks or old trees

Scientists have found significant differences between old-tree lichens and other lichen species in terms of the dimensions of the trees they colonised. Both the minimum and the mean diameter at breast height (BHD) of the trees colonised by old-tree lichens were significantly larger than those of the trees colonised by other lichen species. Interestingly, the maximum BHDs of the trees colonised by old-tree lichens are not any larger, which suggests that most lichen species can also grow on very thick trunks. To become established on trees, endangered forest lichens (categories CR, EN and VU of the Red Lists) also require significantly larger trunk diameters than non-endangered species (LC and NT).

The association of numerous lichen species with large-dimensioned or old trees can be explained by the fact that thick trunks with cracked bark often offer microhabitats and structures that only develop successively as the trees age. Typically, the species diversity of tree-dwelling lichens on individual trees will therefore increase with tree age. The higher number of species on older trees is however not so much the result of the additional surface area offered by the thicker trunk or the early accumulation of species on the trunk, but of the presence of a greater variety of structures.

Microhabitats that only develop with increasing tree age can be described as key structures because of their importance as habitats for lichens. Key structures like this are usually characterised by some very specific features required of a site by lichens. For example, inclining trunks have one side that remains moist for longer, favoured by an above-average amount of trunk run-off water. This enables the alternating wet-dry lichens to remain physiologically active for longer. The rotting bark of old trees has a similar effect, as it has an increased water storage capacity. Other lichens, on the other hand, have specialised in drier locations, growing only in microhabitats protected from the rain, such as the lower sides of trunks, or bark cracks. Examples of key structures that are of particular importance as habitats for lichens are listed in Table 1.

Key structureSpecific ecological characteristicsExamples
Tree speciesBark pH value, nutrient content and bark exudates with a partially allelopathic effectBactrospora dryina on Quercus sp., Rinodina isidioides on Castanea sativa, Bacidia friesiana on Sambucus nigra
Thin branches in shaded crown partsFaster absorption of moisture from fog; protection from direct sunlightOchrolechia szatalaensis, Bryoria capillaris, B. implexa, Ramalina thrausta
Slightly inclined trees (5-15° deviation from the plumb line)Highly variable availability of trunk run-off water: inclined surface remains moist longer due to trunk run-off water and being rained on directly; the lower trunk side offers some protection from rainInclined surface: Lobaria pulmonaria, Sticta fuliginosa, Agonimia allobata;
Upper stem side: Bactrospora dryina, Arthonia byssacea
Growth of mosses or microbial crustsBiological interactions, increased water availabilityNormandina acroglypta, N. pulchella, Fellhanera gyrophorica
Old barkLower acidity, partially increased water storage capacityArthonia vinosa, Thelotrema lepadinum, Thelopsis rubella, Fellhaneropsis vezdae
Bark injury, biotic and abioticIncrease in pH value and nutrient availabilityMany species, no specific species in Switzerland
Bark cracks and bark ridgesProtection from being rained on directly, increased air humidity, diffuse lightingChaenotheca sp. div., Calicium sp. div., Caloplaca lucifuga
Standing deadwood (insufficiently studied in Switzerland)Smooth wood corpuses exposed after the bark has fallen off are the habitat of crustose lichens, which are usually competitively weak and can often only develop extensively in this habitat. Characteristic species on deciduous and coniferous treesSpecies of the genera Micarea, Calicium
Charred wood on standing treesChanged chemical composition of the substrate, exclusion of competitorsSpecies of the genus Hypocoenomyce
Lying deadwood (insufficiently studied in Switzerland)Different stages of decomposition - from early stages of rot to peat-like decay - provide habitats for tree species-specific lichen communitiesCladonia, Micarea, Anzina carneonivea, Protothelenella leucothelia
Rocky areas (insufficiently studied in Switzerland)Rocky areas in the forest with different degrees of shade have characteristic lichen communitiesParmelina, Parmotrema, Gomphillus calycioides, Psilolechia lucida
Earth surfaces without litter coverOften dominated by lichens, especially in alternately dry locationsCladonia, Peltigera, Thelocarpon imperceptum
Stand structure and degree of mixingComplex horizontal and vertical stand structures enable rapidly changing light conditions during the course of the day and year. Photosynthesis favoured by spots of light wandering over lichen sitesLobaria amplissima, Usnea, Bryoria
Table 1. Key structures for old tree lichens on individual trunks and in the stand.

Lichens in old-growth forests

As symbiotic organisms, lichens have developed complex biological dispersal strategies. Lichen species that spread by means of unicellular spores are among the most common colonisers of isolated trees in open landscapes. The wind carries the spores over long distances.

In addition to the sexual reproduction of the fungal partner by means of spores, lichens can also develop symbiotic dispersal units (soredia and isidia) that contain both the fungal partner and the algal partner. This has the advantage that the soredia and isidia grow back into a lichen on a suitable substrate because both symbiotic partners are present. However, the soredia and isidia are significantly larger than spores and therefore have a very limited dispersal capacity.

Due to their limited dispersal radii, various endangered forest lichen species are dependent on their habitat being maintained over a long period of time (temporal connectivity, ecological continuity) and on other suitable habitats being available within a short distance (spatial connectivity, habitat connectivity). Lichen species that have limited dispersal radii and are bound to old trees are known as old-growth forest lichens. Because they need a relatively closely meshed network of habitats, fragmentation of their populations usually has an impact over several centuries.


Consistent promotion of old-tree and old-growth forest lichens is an urgent task for species conservation in forests. This is the only way to preserve the 134 priority forest species. The conservation of the remaining occurrences of lichens is of central importance here. Because these species can often only spread over short distances, efforts must be made to create a small network of future habitats, as well as conserving current occurrences.

Particularly given that the area given over to designated protected areas such as forest and special forest reserves is considered by experts to be much too small, it is also extremely important to systematically promote old-tree and old-growth forest lichens in managed forests. However, these instruments for the protection of rare and endangered tree lichens in commercial forests will only prove their worth if the occurrence of priority forest lichens is specifically taken into account in the selection of habitat trees and small pockets of old-growth for protection.

In general, only a relatively small area is required to promote priority forest lichens. Several species can often be preserved on one habitat tree, and different species occur on different tree species that have similar bark characteristics. We consider a density of ten habitat trees per hectare to be sufficient to ensure that structural elements of one tree species are preserved in sufficient density. In mixed forests with habitat trees of different tree species and with different old-growth tree lichens, there should therefore be a higher number of habitat trees.

To ensure the ecological continuity of key structures, future habitat trees must be promoted in close proximity to existing lichen occurrences. Otherwise, the designation of habitat trees and small areas of old-growth trees may delay the extinction of existing populations, but they will not sufficiently support the propagation of endangered lichen species to a subsequent generation of carrier trees.

Translation: Tessa Feller