Forestry work
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Adapting timber harvesting methods to nature conservation requirements
The requirements of nature conservation in forests lead to greater structural richness. These forest structures make forest operations more difficult. This research project investigated how timber harvesting methods can be adapted to meet these challenges.
Over and above slopes and wetlands: extracting timber with a small cableway
Time to get the timber out of the forest! But how do we do it on slopes that are too steep, or where the ground is too wet? Is a small cableway possibly the solution?
Harvesting Methods for Windthrown Timber
Which harvesting method is most suitable when coping with storm damages? Depending on conditions and availability of machines different combinations are possible.
Salvage Logging of Storm Damaged Timber
Safety training, organising the supporting machines, instruction of contractors, maintaining quality standards? Many things have to be taken into consideration for a safe and clean salvage logging.
Mechanised Timber Harvesting on Steep Slopes
Harvesting and timber transportation are the most important cost factors in the logistic chain from forest to factory. There is potential here for an increase in efficiency. Using four examples this article will show how mechanised timber harvesting methods on steep slopes can be optimally used.
Beware of caterpillars with urticating hairs
Some species of caterpillars have urticating hairs which can cause extreme itching, skin irritations and damage to eyes and the respiratory system. Therefore care must be taken during work being carried out along the edge of forests, on embankments or whilst tending trees.