Since October 2001, the distribution maps of the fungi growing in Switzerland have been available on the World Wide Web. The continuously updated maps show the distribution of the fungi growing in Switzerland. The collected data are mainly based on records by voluntary collaborators of the Swiss Mapping Project. As at February, the data base contained over 729'326 records for 9964 species, mainly macrofungi (mushrooms).

Most of the records are from the last two decades and 50% of all records refer to the quadrant "Northwest Switzerland". With 13% Southeast Switzerland (Grisons) is the least documented part of Switzerland. An altitudinal analysis shows that up to an elevation of 1’000 m above sea level the number of records per plot of the respective altitudinal belt (hillside - sub-montane – montane) is the same but drastically decreases with increasing altitude beginning at 1’000 m above sea level. Thus, there is a lack of important information from the sub-alpine and alpine altitudinal belt.

The online-distribution maps serve as an important base for the elaboration and re-evaluation of the Red List of endangered species. For each mushroom species the following information is available:

  • complete scientific name, including the author
  • geographical distribution within Switzerland
  • for each record notes on the community, the year and the identifier
  • conservation status
  • information on altitudinal distribution and substrate frequencies

By entering the German, French, Italian or the scientific name you can search for the desired mushroom.


Fig. 2 - Mushrooms in all kinds of shapes and colors. But where do they grow? Photos: Thomas Reich (WSL)

    Appeal for collaboration

    Whoever wants to contribute actively to the distribution maps is very welcome. Report your findings!

    Translation: Dawn Meister, Stallikon